Buy the Cognos SDK Guide by BI Centre Now

The Cognos SDK Guide by BI Centre provides you with the complete source code for a C# web solution, C8.1 report based on the GOSR package, and a Word document that will serve as your core reference to understanding the Cognos 8 SDK. It will cover C8 SDK topics such as: authentication; querying the Cognos content store; rendering a C8 report in ASP.NET; exception handling; and much more.

Buy the Cognos 8 Modification Check Now

Monday, November 24, 2008

SDK - SSO for Series 7 gateway namespace using CSharp

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web.Services;
using cognosdotnet_2_0;

namespace SetCredential

/// Summary description for Class1.

class SetCredential
private cognosdotnet_2_0.CognosReportNetBinding oCrn = null;

propEnum [] props = {propEnum.defaultName, propEnum.searchPath};

public SetCredential(string endPoint)
oCrn = new CognosReportNetBinding();
oCrn.Url = endPoint;
oCrn.Credentials= System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

// get a list of the packages for the logged in user
public void getPackageList()
baseClass [] objInMyFolders = oCrn.query("//package",
props, new sort[]{}, new queryOptions());

int temp = 1; // If you've made it to here, SSO is working. Examine objInMyFolders to see the packages
catch (Exception e)
Console.Write("\n" +e.GetBaseException());


/// The main entry point for the application.

static void Main(string[] args)
String endPoint = "http://localhost/c84GA/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi";
SetCredential packageList = new SetCredential(endPoint);

SDK - Bad version number in .class file

Cognos 8 SDK google search


New C8 SDK Utility --- Cognos 8 Modification Check

The BI Centre C8 Modification Check provides a Cognos SDK developer with a workable C# solution that will allow you to:

· Search the Content Store for items that have been modified after a selected date value

For example, if you were looking for all reports that were modified on June 3rd, 2008 then you would select the date June 2nd, 2008. The code will search for all items that have been modified after the selected date value from the date control.

The results of the search are then rendered to a text box control.