Cognos Extended Applications, a set of JSP tags that enable the development of custom “portlets” that can be hosted by a number of “portal” applications, including IBM’s Websphere portal and SAP’s Enterprise Portal (as well as Cognos Connection, of course.)
JSP technology includes the ability to create custom tags that contain back-end code. Just as a set of tags like means something specific to the browser, and <%> are used to demarcate code that will be executed on the server side (but is contained within the JSP page) the user can create tags of their own that will call code when the page is rendered but exists in a java class the user has created.
The Cognos SDK includes several tags libraries that can be used to create JSP pages that can then be registered with a portal. Once again, these libraries enable the user to essentially perform any task that can be performed through the normal interface, but extended or combined as the user wants. Once registered the JSP portlet will be available to users of the existing corporate portal. The details of registering a JSP page with the portal vary with the portal being used.
The Extended Applications approach is ideal for the development of content you want to present within an existing portal, but it is complex, and requires the use of the JSP portion of the J2EE stack.
The C8 SDK is a powerful tool for organizations that want to extend the power of Cognos 8 within the enterprise, and provides a number of tools to do so. The BI Bus API provides a set of classes that can be used to build applications that interact with C8 “from the ground up”. The URL API provides an easy, ‘lightweight” way of calling methods to interact with C8 via a correctly formatted URL, or from JavaScript within a client. Finally, Extended Applications provides a set of custom JSP tags within libraries that can be used to create JSP pages that can then be registered as portlets within an enterprise portal.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Cognos 8 SDK google search
New C8 SDK Utility --- Cognos 8 Modification Check
The BI Centre C8 Modification Check provides a Cognos SDK developer with a workable C# solution that will allow you to:
· Search the Content Store for items that have been modified after a selected date value
For example, if you were looking for all reports that were modified on June 3rd, 2008 then you would select the date June 2nd, 2008. The code will search for all items that have been modified after the selected date value from the date control.
The results of the search are then rendered to a text box control.
· Search the Content Store for items that have been modified after a selected date value
For example, if you were looking for all reports that were modified on June 3rd, 2008 then you would select the date June 2nd, 2008. The code will search for all items that have been modified after the selected date value from the date control.
The results of the search are then rendered to a text box control.